NYPSI offers expert diagnosis and individualized treatment for the whole child and his or her family. We seek to foster the emotional, social, and intellectual growth of children and youth, nurture their sense of well-being and self-esteem, and enhance their ability to pursue positive goals.
For Individual Child and Adolescent Services
The NYPSI Treatment Center provides direct services, as well as referrals to highly experienced and skilled members of the Institute who work in private practice with individuals and families. The Treatment Center offers low-fee psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy, and many of NYPSI’s private practitioners can also arrange for reduced fees based on individual circumstances.
Testing & Evaluation
In addition, the Treatment Center and NYPSI members in private practice can conduct thorough evaluations and testing for psychological difficulties, attention disorders, learning disabilities, and developmental disorders. We can also provide behavioral advice and offer consultation regarding medication options.
For further information including private referrals, please call the Treatment Center at (212) 879-0196, send an email to , or consult our roster of NYPSI members specializing in child and adolescent treatment. All inquiries and services are confidential.
For Parents of Infants and Toddlers
The Pacella Parent Child Center at NYPSI provides educational information for parents and professionals about typical parenting concerns and developmental stresses as well as other services which can be found at www.theparentchildcenter.org
For further information, please contact:
Leon Hoffman, MD at 917.767.6575 or OR
Mary Sickles, MD at 212.737.9781 or .
“Dialogues On…” Series with leading child development experts
Child and Adolescent Analysts discuss a broad range of subjects related to children and adolescents. (Upcoming topics are listed under Events and Lectures tab.) Many parents and caregivers especially want to understand the meanings underlying their children’s behavior. They also want to know how their own empathy, expectations, discipline, modeling, and other ways of relating affect the emotional growth of their children and teens. The “Dialogues on…” series is made possible by a generous donation to NYPSI from The Poses Family Foundation. Additional funding was received from The James and Judith K. Dimon Foundation in honor of Ms. Themis Dimon.
For Schools and Agencies
Public schools and independent schools, community agencies, and mental health facilities may draw upon a wide range of NYPSI services. These include programs designed to help children and adolescents who are struggling with school and social stressors, family difficulties, personal problems, learning difficulties, or other problems that impair their social and emotional well-being and interfere with academic success.
Children and adolescents may have trouble relating to staff or peers, or feel only marginally connected to school. They may have conflicts about achieving success. They may need help in developing self-esteem, positive aspirations, and a belief in their potential for learning.
NYPSI offers schools and agencies the following services:
- On-site training and development to help teachers and other staff members deepen their understanding of child and adolescent development, sharpen their ability to recognize problems early on, and enhance their skills and effectiveness in working with children and youth.
- Presentations for parents or staff on such subjects as parent-child relationships, bullying, hyperactivity, depression, stress, discipline, and family upheaval.
- Ongoing groups for children, adolescents, staff, or parents.
- Evaluation of children and adolescents for psychological difficulties, attention disorders, learning disabilities, and developmental disorders.
- Additional services for staff and for parents including workshops, one-to-one consultations, case conferences, and connecting families with resources.
- Referrals to private practitioners or to NYPSI’s Treatment Center and other appropriate programs.
For Parents of Children and Adolescents
In addition to serving parents through schools and agencies, NYPSI consultants offer discussion groups that meet privately to address topics of concern to parents of children and adolescents. Topics include: difficulties with learning and socialization, hyperactivity, attention deficit, stress, anxiety, depression, bullying, troubling relationships with family or peers, poor self-esteem, sleep problems, behavioral problems, family crises such as death and divorce, drug and alcohol addiction, identity issues, sexual problems, and eating disorders.
Discussion groups also focus on how parents can help their children and teenagers. Groups serve participants who are married, unmarried, single, divorced, same-sex, adoptive, and interracial, as well as foster parents and other guardians.
Whether or not they participate in a group, parents may arrange for private consultations about issues involving their children and adolescents, and referrals can be made to NYPSI members or to our Treatment Center for assessment, short-term psychotherapy, more extensive psychoanalysis, or advice on medication. We can also provide referrals for psychological testing for emotional and developmental difficulties, attention disorders, and learning disabilities.
Download & Print
You may download a printable copy of NYPSI’s informational brochure “The Child Outreach and Consultation Service” by clicking on the link below.