Tehela Nimroody, Ph.D.
Clinical Director

Eric Weitzner, M.D.
Associate Clinical Director

Sabina Preter – Veit, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Director of Children’s Services

Laurence T. Sprung, M.D.
Psychiatric Consultant

Trisha Balbert, Ph.D.
Director of Psychological Testing

Ms. Tanya D. Street
Treatment Center Coordinator
(212) 879-0196

NYPSI’s Treatment Center was founded in 1948 to provide low-fee therapy to individuals in the community who couldn’t otherwise afford high quality treatment. Since that time, thousands of people have received clinical services through the Treatment Center. While the Treatment Center does not accept insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare, no one is turned away because of limited financial resources. Where fee is not an issue or the person has health insurance, the Treatment Center can also provide referrals to clinicians in private practice.

The Treatment Center offers psychotherapy and psychoanalysis for adults, adolescents, and children. Psychological testing is also available. The Treatment Center does not provide psychotropic medication.

A preliminary charge of $50 covers the administrative costs of filing the application and the entire intake process. At the end of the intake, the person receives a recommendation for therapy based on their issues and needs.

Psychotherapy is provided at the Treatment Center by psychology Externs, Interns, or Postdoctoral Fellows, all of whom are supervised by psychoanalysts with the highest level of clinical training.

Psychological testing at the Treatment Center is also conducted by psychology Externs, Interns, or Postdoctoral Fellows under expert supervision.

Psychoanalysis is provided by psychoanalytic candidates, all of whom are supervised by psychoanalysts especially qualified for the training of psychoanalysts. On occasion, psychoanalysis is offered by a graduate psychoanalyst.

People interested in sliding-scale treatment in the Treatment Center should complete and submit an application. Please indicate whether you are interested in obtaining psychotherapy (once or two times a week, typically) or psychoanalysis (four or five times a week). People interested in obtaining a private referral may contact the Administrative Coordinator Ms. Tanya Street via email at , who will then direct your referral request to the Clinical Director.
We are accepting applications for Adult/Child Psychoanalysis (4-5 days per week). Please note that at least 2 of the analytic sessions must be in person. We are also accepting applications for Adult/Child Psychotherapy (1-2 days per week).

Pay Fee – $50

You may download a printable application for Adult Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, and/or Psychological Testing. Please include a $50 payment with your application.


You may download a printable application for Child/Adolescent Psychotherapy or Child Psychoanalysis. Please include a $50 payment with your application.


For further information and to arrange an intake interview, please contact Ms. Tanya Street, Treatment Center Coordinator, at (212) 879-0196, or via email at .

Private Referrals For those seeking a private consultation with one of our graduate psychoanalysts or licensed psychoanalytic candidates, please contact Ms. Tanya Street, Treatment Center Coordinator, for further information at (212) 879-0196 or via email at . All inquiries remain confidential.

To view a list of all NYPSI members who offer psychotherapy and/or psychoanalysis, see Find a Therapist.