The Abraham A. Brill Library
The Abraham A. Brill Library of New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute is perhaps the largest psychoanalytic library in the world. Library holdings comprise over 40,000 books, periodicals, and reprints devoted to psychoanalysis and related fields. These holdings span the literature of psychoanalysis from its beginning to the present day, and represent a unique resource to the psychoanalytic community. The Library serves NYPSI members, candidates, and trainees and is open to the psychoanalytic and scholarly communities and to the general public for research purposes. Please note that one must make an appointment to visit the library.
Below is a list of the Library’s periodicals.
- Acta paedopsychiatrica: Zeitschrift fur Kinderpsychiatrie
- Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica
- Acta psychotherapeutica, psychosomatica et orthopaedagogica
- Adolescent Psychiatry
- Almanach: Institut fur Psychotherapie und Tiefenpsychologie e. V. Stuttgart
- Almanach der Psychoanalyse
- American Academy of Child Psychiatry/Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry
- American Imago
- The American Journal of Insanity
- American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
- The American Journal of Psychiatry
- American Journal of Psychoanalysis
- American Journal of Psychotherapy
- The American Phrenological Journal and Miscellany
- The American Psychologist
- Annual progress in child psychiatry and child development
- The Annual of psychoanalysis
- The Annual survey of psychoanalysis
- Archives in Psychoanalysis
- Archives of general psychiatry
- Archiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten/Archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences
- Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine (US)/ Bulletin
- British journal of medical psychology
- The British journal of psychiatry
- Bulletin of the American Psychoanalytic Association
- Bulletin of the Anna Freud Centre
- Bulletin of the Hampstead Clinic
- Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine
- Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
- Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association of Psychoanalysis/Journal of the Philadelphia Association of Psychoanalysis
- Canadian journal of psychiatry: Revue Canadienne de psychiatrie
- Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis
- Canadian Psychiatric Association/ Canadian Psychiatric Association journal: Revue de l’Association des psychiatres du Canada
- Centralblatt fur nervenheilkunde und psychiatrie
- Child Analysis: Clinical, Theoretical, Applied
- Child Development/Society for Research in Child Development
- Clinical social work journal
- Comprehensive psychiatry
- Contemporary psychoanalysis/Journal of the William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society and William Alanson White Institute
- Current issues in psychoanalytic practice
- Dynamische Psychiatrie/Dynamic psychiatry/Deutsche Akademie fur Psychoanalyse
- Dynamische Psychiatrie internationale: Zeitschrift fur Psychotherapie, Psychoanalyse, und Psychiatrie = Dynamic psychiatry/Organ d. Deutschen Akademie fur Psychoanalyse (DAP)
- The Egyptian journal of psychology/Society of Integrative Psychology, Cairo.
- L’evolution psychiatrique: cahiers de psychologie clinique et de psychopathologie generale.
- Fort da: the Journal of the Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
- Free associations
- Gender and psychoanalysis
- Genetic psychology monographs
- History of childhood quarterly
- Imago: zeitschrift fur anwendung der psychoanalyse auf die geisteswissenschaften
- L’Inconscient: Revue de psychanalyse
- Individual psychology bulletin
- Infant behavior & development
- International forum of psychoanalysis
- The International journal of group psychotherapy
- The International journal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy
- The International journal of psycho-analysis
- International journal of sex-economy and orgone-research
- The International journal of social psychiatry
- The International review of psycho-analysis/ Institute of Psycho-analysis (Great Britain)
- Internationale zeitschrift fur arztiliche psychanalyse
- Internationale Zeitschrift fur Individual Psychologie/ Dr. Alfred Adler
- The Israel annals psychiatry and related disciplines
- The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences
- Jahrbuch Der Psychoanalyse: Beitrage zur theorie und praxis
- Jarbuch fur psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen
- Jahrbuch fur sexuelle Zwischenstufen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Homosexualitat
- Japanese Journal of Child Psychiatry/ University of Kyoto
- The Japanese Journal of Psycho-Analysis/ The Japanese Journal of Psychoanalysis/ Nippon Seishin Bunseki Gakukai/ The Bulletin of the Tokyo Institute for Psychoanalysis
- The journal of abnormal psychology
- The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
- Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry
- Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychology
- The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis
- The journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry
- Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
- Journal of analytical psychology
- Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
- The Journal of Bioenergetic Research
- Journal of child psychology and psychiatry
- Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines
- Journal of child psychotherapy
- Journal of clinical psychoanalysis
- Journal of clinical psychology
- Journal of criminal psychopathology
- Journal of genetic psychology/ Edited by Carl Murchison
- Journal of geriatric psychiatry/ Official Journal of The Boston Society for Gerontologic Psychiatry, Inc.
- Journal of the Hillside Hospital
- Journal of the history of behavioral sciences
- Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences
- Journal of humanistic psychology
- Journal of Individual Psychology
- Journal of infant, child, and adolescent psychotherapy
- Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice/ C.G. Jung Institute
- Journal of the Korean Psychoanalytic Study Group
- Journal of medicine and philosophy
- Journal of Melanie Klein and Object Relations
- The journal of mental science/Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospital for the Insane (London, England)
- The Journal of nervous and mental disease
- The Journal of orgonomy
- Journal of the Otto Rank Association
- Journal of personality and social psychology
- Journal of psychiatric research
- The Journal of psychiatry & law
- The Journal of Psychohistory
- Journal of psycholinguistic research
- The Journal of psychological anthropology
- Journal of psychosomatic research
- The Journal of psychotherapy practice and research
- Journal of sexology and psychoanalysis
- Journal of youth and adolescence
- Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America/Edited by Bernard Bloch
- The Letter. Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Formerly: The Letter, Lacanian Perspectives on Psychoanalysis
- Literature and medicine
- Literature and Psychology: The Quarterly News Letter of the Conference on Literature and Psychology of the Modern Language Association
- Luzifer-Amor: Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse
- Mind and human interaction
- copies of French journals: Revue Francaise de Psyosomatique; Bulletin de la Societe Pschanalytique de Paris; Revue de l’histoire des religions; Etudes freudiennes
- copies of South American journals: Brazilian Psychoanalytic Association; Denvenir; Revista Uruguaya de Psicoanalisis; Revista Chilena de Psicoanalisis; Revista de la Argentina de Psicoanalisis; Revista Argentina de Arte y Psicoanalises; Revista de Psiquiatrica do Rio Grande do Sul; Revista de Psicanalise Psicoanalitica de Buenos Aires; Congreso Psicoanalitco Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires 1976); 45 Congreso Psioanalitico Internacion Berlin 2007
- Modern psychoanalysis/ Manhattan Center for Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies
- Mutterschutz: Zeitschrift zur reform der sexuellen Ethik
- Nebraska symposium on motivation
- The Nervous child: quarterly journal of psychopathology, psychotherapy, mental hygiene, and guidance of the child.
- Neuro-psychoanalysis: an interdisciplinary journal of psychoanalysis and the neurosciences
- Newsletter of the Freudian field/Foundation of the Freudian Field
- Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse
- The Oral History Review/The Oral History Association
- Orgone energy bulletin
- Partisan Review
- Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology
- Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie
- Professional psychology, research and practice/ American Psychological Association
- Professional psychology, research and practice
- Progress in self psychology
- La Psychanalyse: Recherche et enseignement Freudiens de la Societe Francaise de Psychanalyse
- Psyche/Heidelberg and Stuttgart
- Psyche (Paris): Revue Internationale de Psychoanalyse et Des Sciences de l’Homme
- Psyche and Eros: an international bi-monthly journal
- Psychiatric Bulletin: of the New York State Hospitals/ Editors: James V. May, August Hoch, George H. Kirby
- Psychiatric Quarterly/ Editors: Horatio M. Pollock, George H. Kirby, Howard W. Potter
- Psychiatric Quarterly Supplement
- Psychiatry: The American Psychiatric Association annual review
- Psychiatry: Journal for the Study of International Processes/ William Alanson White Psychiatric Foundation
- Psychiatry: Journal for the Study of Interpersonal Processes/ A continuation of Psychiatry: Journal of the Biology and the Pathology of Interpersonal Relations/ William Alanson White Psychiatric Foundation
- Psychoanalysis and contemporary thought
- Psychoanalysis in Europe/ The European Psychoanalytical Federation
- Psychoanalysis and history
- Psychoanalysis: Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychology/ National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis/Theodor Reik, editor
- Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy: The Journal of the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health/ Formerly titled Dynamic Psychotherapy
- Psychoanalytic abstracts
- Psychoanalytic books
- Psychoanalytic dialogues
- The Psychoanalytic forum
- Psychoanalytic inquiry
- Psychoanalytic perspectives/National Institute for the Psychotherapies
- Psychoanalytic psychology: the official journal of the Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association, Division 39.
- Psychoanalytic psychotherapy: Published for the Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- The Psychoanalytic quarterly
- The Psychoanalytic review
- Psychoanalytic Studies
- The Psychoanalytic study of the child
- Psychoanalytic Study of society
- Die psychoanalytische Bewegung
- Psychocultural Review: Interpretations in the Psychology of Art, Literature and Society/ Later titled: Film/psychology review
- The Psychohistory review: Group for the Use of Psychology in History/Charles B. Strozier, editor
- Psychological abstracts
- Psychological Bulletin
- Psychology of men & masculinity
- Psychopathologie Africaine/ Dakar, Senegal: Societe de psychopathologie et d’hygiene mental de Dakar
- Psychosomatic medicine (journal)/ Committee on Problems of Neurotic Behavior Division of Anthropology and Psychology, National Research Council
- Psychotherapy: a course of reading in sound psychology, sound medicine and sound religion
- Psychotherapy and psychosomatics: A journal exploring the role of psychiatry in the daily practice of total medicine.
- The Quarterly journal of child behavior
- The Reiss-Davis Clinic bulletin/ Edited by Rudolf Ekstein
- Review of Psychoanalytic Books/Joseph Reppen, editor
- Revista del hospital psyiquiatrica de la Habana/ Ministerior de Salud Publica
- Rivista di psicoanalisi: Organo della societa psicoanalitica Italiana
- Revista de psicoanalisis: organo official de la asociacion psicoanalitica Argentina
- Revue francaise de psychanalyse
- Revue de neuropsychiatrie infantile et d’hygiene mentale de l’enfance
- Samiksa: Journal of the Indian Psycho-analytical Society/ Calcutta
- Seminars in psychiatry
- Sexual-Probleme: Zeitschrift fur Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik
- Sigmund Freud House bulletin
- Studies in gender and sexuality
- Tokyo Journal of Psychoanalysis/ The Tokyo Institute for Psychoanalysis
- Topique: Revue Freudienne
- Transcultural psychiatric research review and newsletter
- Vierteljahrsberichte des Wissensdhaftlich-humaniaren Komitees
- Vita humana: Human Development
- The yearbook of psychanalysis
- Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie
- Zeitschrift fur Hypnotismus: Suggestionstherapie
- Zeitschrift fur politische Psychologie und Sexualokonomie
- Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse Herausgegeben vom “Tokio Institut fur Psychoanalyse”/ Tokio Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse/ International Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse. Later: Tokio Institut fur Psychoanalyse.
- Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalytische Padagogik
- Zeitschrift fur Psycho-somatische medizin
- Zeitschrift fur Psychotherapie un medizinische Psychologie/ Dr. Albeert Moll, Berlin.
- Zeitschrift fur Sexualwissenschaft
- Zentralblatt fur psychoanalyse und psychotherapie: medizinische monatsschrift fur seelenjunde.
- The Zoist: a journal of cerebral physiology & mesmerism…
- Zwangshandlungen und Religionsubung/ Zeitschrift fur Religionspsychologie