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Easier To Get Mad Than Feel Sad
Congratulations to NYPSI member Leon Hoffman and his RFP-C group on their first data driven publication from their RCT,
Why Is It Easier to Get Mad Than It Is to Feel Sad? Pilot Study of Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children
This article…

Child and Adolescent Anxiety Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Treatment Manual
Congratulations to NYPSI members, Sabina Preter, Theodore Shapiro, and Barbara Milrod on the publication of,
Child and Adolescent Anxiety Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Treatment Manual
Child and Adolescent Anxiety Psychodynamic Psychotherapy,…

New Book by NYPSI Member Lois Oppenheim
Congratulations to Lois Oppenheim and Ludovica Lumer on the publication of their new book,
For Want of Ambiguity: Order and Chaos in Art, Psychoanalysis, and Neuroscience
In For Want of Ambiguity, Lumer and Oppenheim seek to uncover the dialogue…