The Peter Blos Fellowship
The Child and Adolescent Analysis Division at the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute is offering a two-year Clinical Fellowship in Psychoanalysis available through the Peter Blos bequest. In keeping with the Foundation’s mission of advancing the understanding of adolescence, adolescents and their parents, and in educating therapists to treat this age group, we offer a Clinical Fellowship in Psychoanalysis to a candidate in memory of Dr. Peter Blos, Sr., a pioneer in the study of adolescence, and an esteemed faculty member of our Institute.
The Blos Fellow will receive weekly supervision from one of the Institute’s supervising child and adolescent analysts. The Fellow will attend the full academic program of the training program in child and adolescent analysis. After the first year, in consultation with an advisor, the Fellow will develop a plan to address an additional project based on the Fellow’s specific training goals. Possible projects might include consultation with local institutions that provide direct services to underserved adolescents, such as public schools, colleges, and support organizations. Our extensive research initiatives enable us to offer opportunities to conduct investigations in clinical areas of adolescent development and psychopathology. The Fellow will be matched with a research mentor based on their mutual interests. The Fellow also will have the option to work with a clinical mentor and develop a case for presentation at the Child and Adolescent Advanced Seminar. Another option for a Fellow interested in outreach to the community is participation in the “Dialogues” program, which is devoted to community outreach. The Fellow will also have the opportunity to participate in NYPSI’s psychology extern and intern program where they can enhance their training experience in the assessment and evaluation of adolescents. When the project chosen by the Fellow is completed or near completion, the Fellow will present the project at one of the several events suitable for presentations offered at NYPSI.
Requirements: Applicants must have an M.D., Ph.D., or MSW. They may be enrolled in or have completed training in adult psychoanalysis or train only in child and adolescent analysis. We are also interested in applicants who see the value of full psychoanalytic child training as a way of enriching scholarly and academic interests in adolescence.
Fellowship compensation and duration: The Fellowship will provide a stipend of $10,000 for each of two basic years of candidacy. After two years, the Fellowship will be re-evaluated with the option for renewal for another one or two years.
Application: Applicants should send current curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation, along with a statement describing their career goals and why they are interested in child analytic training. Applicants should also specify their specific training goals for the Fellowship. Applicants are encouraged to include any of the additional adjunctive opportunities that are mentioned above, or any educational opportunity specific to their interest that will enhance their training. Please note the deadline to apply for the Child Analytic Program is May 15.
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