Understanding and Coping with Childhood Aggression
January 24, 2018
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Dialogues On…Series: Understanding and Coping with Childhood Aggression
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
8:00 pm
Presenter: Wendy Olesker, Ph.D.
Dr. Olesker will look at aggression from a developmental perspective focusing on school aged children. She will discuss the manifestations of aggression, typical developmental conflicts, and the role of caregivers in helping children understand, channel, express, and contain anger as they grow. She will address the differences between normal and pathological aggression. Key ideas include: changing expectations and interventions as the child grows, the shaping influence of early experience, facilitating the development of conscience, and the importance of gentle, consistent limit setting.
No CME/ CE credits offered.
Wendy Olesker, Ph.D. is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and on the Faculty at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. She is a Senior Editor of The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child and on the Editorial Board of The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. It is from her longitudinal research and her analytic experience that she has developed a focus on the developmental process as it impacts understanding the intrapsychic world and the handling of aggression with children, the focus of this talk.